Participamos na reunião do Comité Consultivo da European Fisheries Control Agency – EFCA.
Apresentamos o trabalho do nosso Conselho Consultivo nos últimos 6 meses, na área do controlo das pescas e defesa dos nossos mares.
Reforçamos a vontade dos nossos membros, em contarem com o apoio desta agência, no controlo das nossas águas:
«It’s time for the biannual Advisory Board meeting here in Vigo!
One of the most important events for us, where representatives from each of the #AdvisoryCouncilsare properly briefed and can present their views concerning the work of the agency
The Advisory Councils are stakeholdered organisations composed of representatives from the industry and other groups of interest.
Key partners for us, they provide the EU commission and EU
countries with recommendations on fisheries management matters.
The Advisory Board advises our Executive Director and ensures close cooperation and an open dialogue with stakeholders.
It’s made up of one representative from each of the 11 Advisory Councils, and a representative takes part in the Administrative Board meetings.»

Fonte: European Fisheries Control Agency –